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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Auto Generate Rubrics


Blackboard Ultra: AI Design Assistant


AI Design Assistant - Auto-Generate Rubrics


Click on the assignment you created that you want to generate a Rubric for.

Click on the Gear located in Assignment Settings

Image of settings in an assignment

Scroll down in the menu until you find Use Grading Rubric under Additional Tools. Click Add grading rubric to create or generate a rubric for this assignment. To use the AI Design Assistant click Generate

Image of add rubric option in assignment settings                              Image of generate AI rubric 

You can Define the rubric Description*, Rubric Type (Percentage, Percentage Range, Points or Points Range), use the sliders to adjust the complexity, number of columns, and number of rows. When ready, click Generate to generate a rubric with the AI Design Assistant.
*If you have already created an assignment outline and posted it into your assignment, the AI Design Assistant will use that information to create your rubric, so a prompt in the 'Description' field is not necessary.

Image of rubric settings

It is auto-generated, so it requires review for accuracy. If you are happy with the rubric, click Continue to make any edits or changes before uploading it to the assignment. If you want to generate a new one, follow the previous steps and adjust the settings before selecting Generate

Image of AI Generated Rubric

If you need to edit a particular section, hover over the section, and click Edit (the pencil icon)

Image of edit rubric section

You can change the points, or the text written inside that section

Image of edit rubic item

You can edit the title of the rubric by hovering over the title and clicking on the pencil icon, and typing the name you would like to have

Image of edit rubric title

Once you are satisfied with the AI Design Assistant generated rubric, click Save at the bottom

Image of save changes to rubric

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