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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Generate Test Questions


Blackboard Ultra: AI Design Assistant


AI Design Assistant – Auto-Generate Test Questions

AI Design Assistant can be used for formative and summative assessments. The AI Design Assistant can offer suggestions for test questions based on the course context, saving you a significant amount of time.

In your course content or within a module, click the Plus Sign and Select Create

Image of create an item in course content

In the menu on the right, under Assessment select Test to create a new test

Image of create test

Click on the Plus Sign and select Auto-generate question to start the AI Design Assistant Tool

Image of auto generate question option

Click in the Description field. Enter a description or keywords (limited to 2000 characters) for the AI Design Assistant to begin generating customized questions. Next, click on the drop-down menu to select the Question Type. *Inspire me! creates a combination of the question types

Image of adding a description to define questions                      Image of selecting question type

Then use the sliders below to adjust the Complexity of the generated questions, and the number of generated questions. Then click Generate to generate the number, complexity, and type questions you selected

Image of changing complexity and number of questions generated

The content is auto-generated, so be sure to review each question for accuracy. Check the boxes next to the questions you would like to use, and then select Add to Assessment

Image of auto generated questions and add to assessment button

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