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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Question Banks


Blackboard Ultra: AI Design Assistant


Question Banks Generated from Ultra Document

You can generate question banks from Ultra Documents. Question Banks can be used across multiple courses. The AI Design Assistant can build question banks based on an Ultra Document to gauge your student’s comprehension of the document’s topic while saving you time.

Create Ultra Documents

To generate a question bank, open the lesson you have in your course (needs to be a document)

Image of a lesson in a course module

At the bottom of the less, click on Auto-generate question bank

Image of auto-generate question banks

You will not be able to add prompts like you can with image and module generation. You can edit the Question Type*, and use the sliders to adjust the complexity and number of questions. Click Generate to generate the questions using the AI Design Assistant.
*Inspire me! creates a combination of the question types

Image of define questions options

The questions are auto-generated, so be sure to review each question for accuracy. Check the boxes next to the questions you would like to use, and then select Add to Question Bank

Image of add questions to question bank

A message will appear over the learning plan stating that the question bank has been created. Click on Go To Bank to edit the questions, the title of the bank, and the points assigned to each question

Image of go to question bank

To edit a question in your question bank, lick on the Ellipses (…) on the right side of the question, and then select Edit

Image of edit a question within the question bank

You can edit the text of the question, as well as the points value. Click Next Step until the Save button becomes active.  Click Save when you’re done editing

Image of editing a question and saving the revisions

You can change the name of the question bank by hovering over the name and clicking the pencil and typing the name you want. You can also change the description of the bank by clicking the pencil

Image of Editing a title and description of the question bank

Click the X to close out of the question bank

Image of closing the question bank

Adding a Question Bank to a Test

To add the question bank to your text, select the Test you want to add it to

Image of opening your test in a module

Click on the Plus Sign, and select Add question pool

Image of adding a question bank to the exam

Scroll down until you locate the pool, select the questions you want to use, and click Add Questions

Image of selecting questions and adding them to the exam

You can edit how many points for each question. Then click Save

Image of changing points and saving the question pool to the test


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