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Learning Technologies Matrix: Learning Technologies


     Learning Technologies


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Our team discovers and supports technologies that meets the needs for teaching and learning. We strive to support faculty in delivering knowledge to online students in efficient, engaging, and effectively using the latest technologies.

Adobe Creative Cloud 


Exam View




Interview Stream





  • A plagiarism prevention tool that allows an instructor to check the originality of a homework submission. Automatically conducts the check by comparing your assignment against a database of other assignment submissions
  • Support available through Northwood Tech.
  • Click here to visit SafeAssign's webpage for more information 




  • Open-source recorder and editor specifically for audio
  • Learning Activity:

Oral Summary: Students are each given a specific aspect of a topic, and asked to create a 4 minute oral explanation of it. The oral explanation is then shared with the other members of the class, either as a recording shared online, or through a live presentation during a scheduled session. This can work well when all the participating students are then asked to write a short summary of each of the aspects explained. In addition to providing students with an opportunity to learn more about the aspects, this also provides you the teacher with useful feedback about the aspects which students have not understood as well as needed.


Voice Thread

  • Attach interactive audio discussions to posted videos. Works like an audio-based discussion thread
  • Learning Activity:

Oral Summary; Self Assessment



  • Used for video editing. More robust than Panopto, but also more complicated for novice users
  • Learning Activity:

Develop instructional videos for announcements, learning activities and discussions. 



  • Video creation and hosting site. Easy to integrate into Blackboard classes and designed for ease of use
  • Learning Activity:

Provide quizzes within videos; provide video feedback, One Minute Video: How much could you explain in one minute? At the end of class, set a timer and ask students to record their most eye-opening revelation or biggest question. This activity lets students reflect on learning and build writing skills – plus you’ll get a window into their understandings and misunderstandings.

Digital story development:

Students (as individuals, pairs, or in groups) are provided with a scenario or case study which they must analyze. They prepare a 5 minute digital story that explains what the relevant issues are, including the stakeholders, the options, the impacts and consequences etc (as relevant to your discipline and context). These digital stories are shared on Panopto, and used in subsequent sessions for class analysis, for peer-feedback or assessment, for oral advocacy where the author(s) of the digital story respond to questions about the content, defending and explaining their reasoning, or for formal assessment and feedback from the teacher, among other uses.



  • Screen recorder used to take easy screenshots and videos. Includes the ability to edit screenshots to include annotations


  • Online multi-user whiteboard used for brainstorming, mind-mapping, and more
  • Learning Activity: Jigsaw, concept mapping



  • An interactive classroom tool to engage students by adding interactive activities to your lessons, like polls, collaboration boards, and game-based quizzes. Students can interact and submit responses through any mobile device or laptop.



  • Allows instructors and students to create interactive multimedia bulletin boards that can be accessed at any time
  • Learning Activity:

Concept Mapping - Different Diagnosis activity: Write a concept on the board in Padlet that requires problem-solving (Example: chest pain). Direct the class to write everything that relates to that concept under Padlet card (Example: Write all the possible causes of chest pain) Go through each item on the board and "rule out" to determine a differential diagnosis to the problem. Students should discuss why and why not or include testing that would determine a final differential diagnosis.



  • An image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovering of information on the internet using images, and on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards
  • Learning Activity:

Infographic: ask students to produce an infographic to explain, describe, and visualize information pertaining to the topic/context. The production of the infographic can be worked on by students outside of scheduled sessions, and should be shared with the whole class. The infographics could also be used as a starting point for further analyses and/or discussions.

  • Free resource for novice users, mostly technology-related topics
  • Learning Activity:

Watch videos, complete the tasks within the site


WISC Online

Adobe Creative Cloud 



  • Open-source recorder and editor specifically for audio
  • Learning Activity:

Oral Summary: Students are each given a specific aspect of a topic, and asked to create a 4 minute oral explanation of it. The oral explanation is then shared with the other members of the class, either as a recording shared online, or through a live presentation during a scheduled session. This can work well when all the participating students are then asked to write a short summary of each of the aspects explained. In addition to providing students with an opportunity to learn more about the aspects, this also provides you the teacher with useful feedback about the aspects which students have not understood as well as needed.



  • Used for video editing. More robust than Panopto, but also more complicated for novice users
  • Learning Activity:

Develop instructional videos for announcements, learning activities and discussions. 


Exam View

  • Free resource for novice users, mostly technology-related topics
  • Learning Activity:

Watch videos, complete the tasks within the site




Interview Stream





  • Online multi-user whiteboard used for brainstorming, mind-mapping, and more
  • Learning Activity: Jigsaw, concept mapping



  • An interactive classroom tool to engage students by adding interactive activities to your lessons, like polls, collaboration boards, and game-based quizzes. Students can interact and submit responses through any mobile device or laptop.



  • Allows instructors and students to create interactive multimedia bulletin boards that can be accessed at any time
  • Learning Activity:

Concept Mapping - Different Diagnosis activity: Write a concept on the board in Padlet that requires problem-solving (Example: chest pain). Direct the class to write everything that relates to that concept under Padlet card (Example: Write all the possible causes of chest pain) Go through each item on the board and "rule out" to determine a differential diagnosis to the problem. Students should discuss why and why not or include testing that would determine a final differential diagnosis.



  • Video creation and hosting site. Easy to integrate into Blackboard classes and designed for ease of use
  • Learning Activity:

Provide quizzes within videos; provide video feedback, One Minute Video: How much could you explain in one minute? At the end of class, set a timer and ask students to record their most eye-opening revelation or biggest question. This activity lets students reflect on learning and build writing skills – plus you’ll get a window into their understandings and misunderstandings.

Digital story development:

Students (as individuals, pairs, or in groups) are provided with a scenario or case study which they must analyze. They prepare a 5 minute digital story that explains what the relevant issues are, including the stakeholders, the options, the impacts and consequences etc (as relevant to your discipline and context). These digital stories are shared on Panopto, and used in subsequent sessions for class analysis, for peer-feedback or assessment, for oral advocacy where the author(s) of the digital story respond to questions about the content, defending and explaining their reasoning, or for formal assessment and feedback from the teacher, among other uses.




  • An image sharing and social media service designed to enable saving and discovering of information on the internet using images, and on a smaller scale, animated GIFs and videos, in the form of pinboards
  • Learning Activity:

Infographic: ask students to produce an infographic to explain, describe, and visualize information pertaining to the topic/context. The production of the infographic can be worked on by students outside of scheduled sessions, and should be shared with the whole class. The infographics could also be used as a starting point for further analyses and/or discussions.



  • A plagiarism prevention tool that allows an instructor to check the originality of a homework submission. Automatically conducts the check by comparing your assignment against a database of other assignment submissions
  • Support available through Northwood Tech.
  • Click here to visit SafeAssign's webpage for more information 



  • Screen recorder used to take easy screenshots and videos. Includes the ability to edit screenshots to include annotations


Voice Thread

  • Attach interactive audio discussions to posted videos. Works like an audio-based discussion thread
  • Learning Activity:

Oral Summary; Self Assessment




WISC Online


