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Create a Video Assignment in Blackboard: Home


Creating a Video Assignment
in Blackboard


After adding  (configuring) Panopto to your course, it automatically creates a Panopto library folder specific to the course name.  You can view all the students' video submissions in your Panopto library specific to the course.  Configuring Panopto to your course must be done before you and students can share videos using the built-in blackboard for Panopto options.

Create a course folder in Panopto

  • Go to your Course Tools
  • Click on Panopto Content
  • Click on Configure
  • Click on Add Course to Panopto
  • Click on Return to Course

Add video Assignment with Built-in Panopto Tool.


1.  Create Blackboard Assignment.  

Create Assignment Picture

2.  Click on More Options ....  then click on "+" icon

Adding Video Assignment

3.  Select Panopto Student Video Submission.  

Panopto Student Video Submission

4.  After selecting this option, it will populate instructions to the student of the steps to submit a video assignment in Blackboard from their Panopto library.  You can add your instructions for the assignment above the Panopto instructions.

 Panopto submission instructions




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