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Introduction to Ethics: Feminism


Introduction to Ethics



Feminism is often simplified to the declaration that women and men are equal. The discussion is often limited to individual men acting sexist towards individual women. Both definitions, however, merely touch the surface of this topic.

Feminism is a multifaceted discussion, involving societal systems, how femininity is expressed, and which women are left out of the conversation. Making sure women from multiple backgrounds of class, body shapes, race, etc. are involved is called intersectionality. The resources listed here are a first glimpse into that, highlighting authors who live in those intersections.

Intersectional Feminism Resources


Author: bell hooks

No, that is not a typo. bell hooks has a reason for the decapitalization of her name, and it is so that she draws focus to her feminist thoughts instead of to herself as a person.


Author: Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay tackles feminism from the perspective of a woman who acknowledges how society has shaped her, positively and negatively alike, making for a personal and honest take on feminism.

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