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WIDS: Syllabus Checklist


     Working in WIDS


Allison Sheffel
Academic Affairs Technician
Email Allison

Syllabus Checklist for WIDS Syllabi

Section Information

  • Course Start and End Dates
  • Meeting Times
  • Meeting Location
  • Optional: Section, Course Website, Additional Information

Instructor Information

  • Phone
  • Optional: Mobile Phone
  • Office Location
  • Instructor Office Hours

Course Information

  • Course Information – is pulled in from the Course Outcome Summary
  • Textbooks – required and optional textbooks for the course or a statement that no textbooks are required
  • Learner Supplies – required and optional supplies for the course or a statement indicating no supplies are required
  • Grading Information should include the following:
    • Assessment Strategies that will be included in the grade (Ex: projects, papers, presentations, test, quizzes) and How assessment strategies contribute to the final grade. Examples:
      • Grades will be determined by dividing the points earned by the points possible:
        • Weekly Quizzes 15 @ 5 pts each= 75 pts
        • Mid-tern and Final Test @ 100 pts each = 200 pts.
        • 2 presentations @ 100 pts each = 200 pts.
        • Final Project @ 200 pts = 200 pts Total = 675 pts.


  • Grades will be determined by completing weekly quizzes, tests, presentations, and a final project
    • Quizzes – 10% of total grade
    • Tests – 30% of total grade
    • Presentations – 30% of total grade
    • Project – 30% of total grade
  • Late Work and Make-Up work Policies
  • Optional: Additional detail regarding assessment strategies (Ex: description/ expectations of projects, papers, discussion boards, etc.)


  • Differentiate between grading on attendance and grading on participation. Receiving points for showing up on time is grading on attendance, which goes against WITC policy and performance-based learning practices. Grading on participation includes content- related strategies that students need to be in class to complete such as reading check or review quizzes given during the first five minutes of class, small group summaries, discussion summaries, daily participation self-assessments, CATs formative assessment strategies, etc.

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Contains WITC policies that should be on all WITC syllabi and should not be changed.


The Guideline Library contains editable statements that can be added to your syllabus with a click.

  • Guidelines that support QM Standards
    • Netiquette Guideline - criterion 1.3
    • Online - Technical Expectations Guideline - criterion 1.5
    • Response Time Guideline 21 - criterion 5.3
    • Online - Technical Support Guideline - criterion 7.1
    • Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities – criterion 7.2
    • Online - Academic Support Guideline - criterion 7.3
    • Online - Student Support Guideline - criterion 7.4
  • If students may be able to receive credit for the course through prior learning or experience, please include Credit for Prior Learning Guideline.
  • If a challenge exam exists for the course, please include the WITC Challenge Exams Guideline.
  • If the content of the course is linked to standards of external accrediting agencies, please include (and revise) External Standards Guideline.
  • If the course includes videos or podcasts created by you or your students, please include

Podcasts and Videos Guideline.

  • If the course introduces, practices, or assesses a program outcome as identified on the outcome matrix as documented in your TSA report, please include Technical Skills Attainment Guideline.

Additional guidelines not included in the Guideline Library may be added as needed by course/program.


Providing a schedule assists students in coordinating with other courses and personal commitments. Including the course competencies documents the alignment between the course competencies, learning activities, and assessments. Schedules are not required on the syllabus, but are strongly recommended.

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