Using WIDS Online – Getting Started
Accessing Your Home Page
Access the login page –
WIDS uses Single Sign-On. Please click on MyCampus from the Northwood Tech homepage to access WIDS

Click the Login to WIDS button twice
This will bring up your “My Curriculum Projects” Home Page. Your Home Page will contain 1) Works in Progress (WIP) files for which you have been assigned a role in the revision process or 2) Active files you have chosen to put there.
WIDS Home Page
Your WIDS home page will look different upon login.
- The home page includes two grids, one for syllabi (at the top) and one for Curriculum Projects (the lower grid).
- If your only role in a project is “instructor,” the project title will no longer show in the My Curriculum Projects grid.
- You can add projects to the My Curriculum Projects grid by using the new “favorite” feature.
- Use the search to find and open a project.
- Click the star on the far-right side of the screen to make it a favorite. Click the star again to remove it as a favorite.

- Submitted syllabi previously created in WIDS will show in the My Syllabi grid on your home page. An easy way to identify previously created syllabi is that they do not have a term or year listed in the grid.

- Double-clicking on the title of a previous syllabus opens a PDF of the syllabus.
- If desired, the syllabus can be copied and opened for editing in the Wizard by clicking on the three dots at the end of the row and using the popup menu.
- Manage the number of projects and syllabi that appear on your home page, by using Show/Hide. Click the three vertical dots next to the Add New button to access.

The search box is easy to find on the home page. To locate a program, course, submitted or archived syllabus, or pathway, enter a number or keyword into the search box.

WIDS returns a list of projects. To open a project, double-click on the search result. Note that you may need a role to open some projects. Click the Advanced Search option to narrow or filter search results.
My Profile
If this is your first time in WIDS using the syllabus wizard, start by completing My Profile. Click on the Profile icon at the top right of the home page. Anything you put in your Profile will be added to your new syllabi going forward. Once added to your syllabi, information from your profile is editable in each syllabus. So you can add to, revise or delete the information for a single syllabus.

Tip: Information from the Profile only shows in new syllabi. It will not show in copied syllabi.
Syllabus Checklist
Section Information
Start Date and End Date
- Meeting Time(s)
- Meeting Location(s)
- Optional: Course Website (, Additional Information
- Optional: Additional Class Information – could outline course organization, blended/hybrid course information/organization, etc.
Instructor Information
- Campus Phone Number
- Optional: Mobile Phone Number
- Office Location
- Office Hours
- Optional: Additional Instructor Information. Recommended: preferred method of contact, instructor response time to email and voicemail messages, specifications for sending email or voicemail (subject line in email, information to include in voicemail, etc.)
Course Information
- Course Information – is pulled from the Course Outcome Summary. Includes course title, number, description, hours of instruction, competencies, linked program and collegewide outcomes, and linked external standards
- Textbooks – required and/or optional textbooks for the course or a statement that none are required
- Supplies – required and/or optional supplies for the course or a statement that none are required
- Grading Information
- Assessment Strategies that will be included in the grade (Ex: projects, papers, presentations, tests, quizzes)
- How listed assessment strategies contribute to the final grade (Ex: Project = 100 points, Presentation = 100 points, Weekly quizzes – 10 points each = 150 points. Your final grade will be determined by dividing the points earned by the points possible. OR Project = 30%, Presentations = 30%, Tests = 30%, Quizzes = 10%.)
- Late Work and Make-Up Policies
- Optional: Additional detail regarding assessment strategies (Ex: description/expectations of project(s) and/or papers, discussion expectations, etc.)
- Differentiate between grading on attendance and grading on participation. Receiving points for showing up on time is grading on attendance, which is against WITC policy and performance-based learning practices. Grading on participation includes content- related strategies that students need to be in class to complete such as a reading check/review quiz during the first five minutes of class, small group summary paragraphs, discussion summary paragraphs, daily participation self-assessments, etc.)
Check to make sure any selected/added guidelines are showing and properly edited.
Optional, however, providing a schedule assists students in coordinating course expectations with other courses and personal commitments. Identifying course competencies with learning activities and assessments documents alignment.