Ryon List
Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Email Ryon
Allison Scheffel
Academic Affairs Specialist
Email Allison
In WIDS, you can copy your own syllabus, or you can copy a syllabus someone else has created.
Tip: If you copy a previously created syllabus, the Instructor Information section will update. However, other information from your Profile will not replace information in the copied syllabus. Complete profile information is only placed in new syllabi.
1. To copy your own syllabus, from the home screen, click the three dots at the end of the syllabus row. WIDS presents a popup menu. Select Copy Syllabus. WIDS makes a copy of your syllabus. Note that changes to course information and custom fields will be updated automatically.
2. To copy someone else’s syllabus:
3. Click on the three dots at the end of the syllabus row to obtain the popup menu. Select Copy Syllabus. WIDS makes a copy of the syllabus replacing your Instructor Information.