The Accessibility Basics and Guidelines page outlines some of the basic items to keep in mind when creating an accessible document. This page will talk about how to accomplish those basic items using Microsoft Word.
Using the Home tab in the Ribbon, you can quickly select different font types, styles, sizes, and colors. Use the small gray arrow in the corner of the "Font" command group to open the Font Properties window for more options. You can also do this by hitting "Ctrl + D" on your keyboard.
When possible, use the "Style" options from the Home tab to break your information up. Using the style options both adjusts the look of your font, so it stands apart and tells a screen reader which information to read first. Set section font as a "Heading" and subsequent information as a lower header or "body+." Your document will be organized and easy to read and ensure adaptive software can read the document properly.
After you add an image to a Word document, you can use the Picture Format tab to access the "Alt Text" pane, click on "Alt Text" in the Ribbon under the Picture Format tab. The pane will open on the right, enter a short sentence describing the image.
If you add an "icon" or picture to a Word document using stock images available through Microsoft Word, they will automatically include alternate text.
Avoid stacking images in documents, such as using a circle to mark a particular spot on a photograph. Stacked images will be read out of order by screen readers and confuse the information for the patron. If you need to have an arrow or circle over a photo, add it outside of Microsoft Word using a program such as Snagit. When you add the edited picture, you can input an alternate text describing what is being highlighted in the photo without causing problems for a screen reader.
It is best for screen readers to use built-in functions for all lists rather than creating lists yourself with keys, tabs, and spacing.
Ensure all tables have column headers. This makes navigation for screen readers easier. Highlight the top row of the table and right-click. Next, choose Table Properties. In the pop-up window, select the Row Tab and check “Repeat as header row at the top of each page.” Then select OK.
Word has a built-in tool to check accessibility. Before finalizing your document, run the Accessibility Checker to ensure your content is easy for people to read. On the ribbon, select the Review Tab—next Select Check Accessibility icon and then select Check Accessibility option.
Export your Word document using the Acrobat Tab. Do Not Choose File and Save as PDF. Use the Acrobat Tool in PowerPoint to convert to an Accessible PDF.
You can then use the Read Out Loud feature in Adobe to test your PDF for accessibility.