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Artificial Intelligence Introduction: Staff Resource: Weak vs. Strong


     Artificial Intelligence


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Weak AI vs Strong AI

Weak AI, also known as Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), is AI that operates in narrow boundaries. The majority of AI we currently use would fall into this group. Examples would be AI such as Siri, Alexa, and utility AI such as Panopto or YouTube AI automatically typing closed captions for videos.

These AI have a narrow focus; they perform a single task without gaining any knowledge or additional reasoning from the task. You ask Alexa a question, and the program looks through a defined dataset for an answer and repeats what it finds.

Programs such as Gemini or ChatGPT are also Weak AI. These types of programs are Large Language Models (LLM). These programs are responsive and conversational with users but are still limited to defined datasets, such as using the internet to find answers.


Strong AI, also known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), is AI that is only theoretical at the moment. This AI would attempt to reach human levels of intelligence and be able to apply reasoning and research to solve problems, figuring out answers beyond just searching datasets. This AI would also have a self-aware consciousness and potentially could reach Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). 

We have to look to science fiction for examples, such as HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Data from Start Trek: The Next Generation, or Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.

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