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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Grade With Rubrics


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource

Grade with Rubrics


  • Only one rubric can be associated with an item for grading.
  • Rubrics can be associated with an assessment, journal or discussion.
  • Once a rubric is used for grading, it can't be edited, but a copy can be made and modified.
  • Rubrics can be copied into another course.
  • If a rubric is attached to an assignment after an item has been graded, the grade will appear as an override, unless the item is regraded.

Attaching a Rubric to an Assessment

  1. Open the assessment that will use a rubric.
  2. In the "Assessment Settings" click on the type of grading in the Grading section.

Displays the "Assessment Settings", focusing on the type of grading in the grading section.

  1. Scroll down to the "Use a grading rubric" section.
    1. If the setting mentions not being able to add a rubric, scroll up to the "Assessment grade" setting and uncheck the box.

Shows the checkbox for posting grades automatically.

  1. In the "Use grading rubric" section, click on "Add grading rubric".

Shows the "Add grading rubric" link in the "Use grading rubric" section.

  1. Check the box for the desired rubric and click Add.

Add a rubric by selecting a checkbox.

  1. The "Grading rubric" section should now list the selected rubric name beneath it.

Display of the rubric attached to an assessment.

Grading with an Attached Rubric

  1. Select a student submission from the Gradebook to grade.
  2. Each criterion from the rubric will be displayed under the "Grading Rubric" section, listing the various performance levels for each criterion.
  3. The descriptions for each performance level are not shown by default, however they can be toggled on.
  4. Selecting a performance level for a criterion will update the displayed grade for both the criterion and the overall grade for the submission.
  5. Individual criterion feedback can be provided.
  6. Overall feedback can be provided as usual.

Displays the different parts of the rubric grading / feedback panel.

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