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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource
Additional Resources
Grade with Rubrics
- Only one rubric can be associated with an item for grading.
- Rubrics can be associated with an assessment, journal or discussion.
- Once a rubric is used for grading, it can't be edited, but a copy can be made and modified.
- Rubrics can be copied into another course.
- If a rubric is attached to an assignment after an item has been graded, the grade will appear as an override, unless the item is regraded.
Attaching a Rubric to an Assessment
- Open the assessment that will use a rubric.
- In the "Assessment Settings" click on the type of grading in the Grading section.
- Scroll down to the "Use a grading rubric" section.
- If the setting mentions not being able to add a rubric, scroll up to the "Assessment grade" setting and uncheck the box.
- In the "Use grading rubric" section, click on "Add grading rubric".
- Check the box for the desired rubric and click Add.
- The "Grading rubric" section should now list the selected rubric name beneath it.
Grading with an Attached Rubric
- Select a student submission from the Gradebook to grade.
- Each criterion from the rubric will be displayed under the "Grading Rubric" section, listing the various performance levels for each criterion.
- The descriptions for each performance level are not shown by default, however they can be toggled on.
- Selecting a performance level for a criterion will update the displayed grade for both the criterion and the overall grade for the submission.
- Individual criterion feedback can be provided.
- Overall feedback can be provided as usual.
Additional Resources: