Combine data from multiple sources in the gradebook to display a grade based on the selected schema.
"Total Calculation" columns are commonly used to provide students with another view of the "Overall Grade", where one is in points and the other is percentages or letter grades.
Calculation columns are commonly used to calculate a score based on a selection of coursework.
They can be used in calculations in other calculation columns.
These columns will not be visible to students unless there is a grade entered and the item is marked as visible to students.
Adding a Calculation Column
Go to either the Gradable Items or the Grades view in the course Gradebook.
Hover over a line between two gradable items and click on the "+" that appears.
Select "Add Calculation".
Enter a descriptive name for the calculation column.
Select a grade schema from the dropdown menu.
Create your calculation formula by clicking on items in the left pane, adding them to the right pane.
Functions and Variables
Average: Calculates the average for selected categories, individual items or other calculations.
Total: Generates a total based on points allowed compared to cumulative points.
Minimum: Determines the minimum grade within selected categories. This could be used for calculations where the lowest grade in a category is dropped.
Maximum: Determines the maximum grade within selected categories. This could be used for standards- or proficiency-based grading, where only the highest grade counts.
Variable: Select an individual graded item. This could be used for weighted calculations.
Operators: +, -, /, *, (, ), or a numeric Value
Specific categories or individual coursework items can be selected within items from the "Functions and Variables" section by hovering over a function in the right pane and clicking on the dropdown arrow.
Functions or variables can be removed from a calculation by hovering over them and clicking on the "x" within a circle.
Once your formula is complete, click on Validate to check if there are any errors that will prevent the calculation from occurring.