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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Course List


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource


The Courses page displays all courses the current user is enrolled in, whether a student, instructor or another type of course member. Courses are grouped based on their duration and associated terms.

  1. Each course lists the course ID, course title, and instructorIf your course has multiple instructors, click on Multiple Instructors to see the list.
  2. Select More info to see the description and schedule, if added.
  3. Filter or search your list. Use the Filter menu to modify your view of the page. Your filtered list stays as you access courses. If you navigate to another page, all courses show again.
  4. Use the search function to find courses on the current page.
  5. Browse by term. Move to past, current, and upcoming courses.
  6. If you teach a lot of courses, you can choose how many appear on each page. At the bottom of the list, you'll find a page selector to navigate through long lists.
  7. View your favorites quickly. If you access a course frequently, you can select the star icon to add it to your favorites so it appears at the top of the list. You can select the star icon again to remove a course from your favorites.

    You can't reorder courses in the list. Courses are listed in alphabetical order and grouped by term with the newest courses first. Your favorites appear at the top of the page.
  8. Manage your courses. You can set your courses to these states:
  • Open: You can open a course when you're ready for students to participate.
  • Private: You can make a course private while you add or experiment with content, and then open it to students when you're ready. Students see private courses in their course lists, but they can't access them.  You can't make a course private during an active term. If a user needs access to a private course, contact your administrator about a course's settings.
  • Hide: You can choose to hide a course from your course list to organize your view. Activity for hidden courses no longer appears in the global pages about all your courses, such as Grades. Only instructors have the option to hide courses. To show a hidden course, filter the list by Hidden from me > open a course's menu > select Show course.
  • Complete: You can choose to set your course to Complete when the course has ended, but you can no longer make changes to it. Students can access the content, but they can't participate in the course any longer. For example, they can't reply to discussions or submit assignments. You can return the course to Open or Private as you want. However, if a course has an end date, and the end date passes, then students can't access the course any longer. So, if you complete a course and open it again after the end date, students can't access it. Complete applies to the Ultra Course View only.
  1.  Change your view. You can view the Courses page as a list or a grid.
  2. In grid view, you can add an image on your course cards.
  3. You can find the Course Catalog link on the Courses page to browse courses (currently not available).

Courses PageEdit Course Image

How do terms work?

Terms are defined time periods that help institutions organize courses according to the academic calendar. Your institution may use terms to group your courses and control availability in bulk.

  • If the term duration has elapsed, the course appears in Past Courses with the term name as the page title. Your students won't have access to these courses.
  • If the term duration is in the present, the course appears in Current Courses with the term name as a group.
  • If the term start and end dates are both in the future, the course appears in Upcoming Courses with the term name as a group. Your students won't have access to these courses.

If your course isn't associated with a term or uses custom start and end dates and is currently active, it appears in the Assorted dates group on the Current Courses page. Non-term courses appear on the Past Courses page when they end or on the Upcoming Courses page if they start in the future.

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