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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Links


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource

Web Links

Create a link to a website

On the Course Content page, you can add a link to a website you want students to access alongside other materials. For example, you can add a link to a website with the required reading listed in your syllabus.

To add a link, select Create from the plus option on the Course Content page where you want your link to appear. This opens the Create Item panel. Select the Link option.

 Create Item Link

This opens a New Link page with two tabs:

  • Create Web Link (for linking to websites external to a course)
  • Create Course Link (for linking to content within a course)

Select the Create Web Link tab to add a web link and make the following selections:

  • Student Visibility: Choose if the link is Visible or Hidden from students.
  • Display name: choose a name for the link. If you don't add a name, New Link and the date will be the default name.
  • Link URL: Paste or type the URL to link. Select the globe icon to preview the website. If you want the link to open in a new window, check the box.
  • Additional Tools (Goals & Standards):  You need to save the link before you can edit Goals & standards. Save and return to this link to edit.
  • Description: Type an optional description or instructions for your students

 New Link Options

Select Save when you're finished.

You can align a web link to one or multiple goals. You and your institution can use goals to measure student achievement across programs and curriculums. You need to save the link before you can align goals.

Students can't see the goals you align with a web link.

On the Course Content page, open the link's menu. Select Edit, and then select Align with goals to search for available goals to align with this item.

More on how to align goals with course content

You can return and edit the information at any time. Point to the link to reveal its management functions. Select the Move icon and drag the link to a new location in the content list. Open the link's menu to delete or edit the link. For example, you can change the link's name.

Additional Resources:

