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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Overall Grade


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource

Overall Grade Column


  • To display a calculated running tally of items that contribute to the overall course grade.


  • There are three calculation types.
    • Points: The points earned are divided by the total number of possible points.
    • Weighted: Weights are assigned to different grade categories.
    • Advanced: A custom formula you create is used.
  • Items within categories can be unlinked or excluded from the calculation.

Accessing the Overall Grade Settings

  • To configure the overall grade for the first time, select "Set it up" from the banner popup.

Click on the "Set it up" button in the "Set up the overall grade" banner

  • To edit the overall grade settings, enter the "Gradebook Settings" and click on the "Manage overall grade settings" link in the "Overall Grade" section.

To edit overall grade settings, click on the "Manage overall grade settings" link in the "Overall Grade" section.

Configuring the Overall Grade Settings

Common Settings

  • Select how the overall grade is displayed and whether it is shown to students.

Select the grade schema to display as the overall grade and whether it should be shown to students.

  • Each "Grade Category" type indicates
    1. The number of items in that category
    2. Whether any calculation rules have been applied to that category
      • "Drop Scores" removes the specified number of the highest or lowest grades
      • "Use Only" removes all grades from the calculation except for the highest or lowest score
    3. The total number of points or the assigned percentage for that category
    4. Whether the category has been included or excluded
    5. When expanded, individual items in that category, corresponding points or percentage and whether specific items in that category have been included or excluded

Displays the different information available when a grade category is expanded.

Points Calculation Type

  • The point value of each category is based on the graded items assigned to that category, as long as they have not been excluded.
  • Excluding individual items in a category will adjust the total point value for that category.
  • If an entire category is excluded, its point value will be set to zero.
  • The total points available will adjust automatically, when categories or individual graded items are excluded or included.

Weighted Calculation Type

  • Select whether to weight gradable items within a category
    • Proportionally: Weight items based on their points relative to others in the category

Shows grades in a category weighted proportionally.

  • Equally: Apply equal weights to all items within a category

Shows grades within a category weighted equally

  • The total percent of the combined categories must equal 100%.
  • Unlock a category percentage to change the percent weight of that category.

Advanced Calculation Type

  • Create your calculation formula by clicking on items in the left pane, adding them to the right pane.
    • Functions and Variables
      • Average: Calculates the average for selected categories, individual items or other calculations
      • Total: Generates a total based on points allowed compared to cumulative points.
      • Minimum: Determines the minimum grade within selected categories. This could be used for calculations where the lowest grade in a category is dropped.
      • Maximum: Determines the maximum grade within selected categories. This could be used for standards- or proficiency-based grading, where only the highest grade counts.
      • Variable: Select an individual graded item. This could be used for weighted calculations.
    • Operators: +, -, /, *, (, ), or a numeric Value
  • Specific categories or individual coursework items can be selected within items from the "Functions and Variables" section by hovering over a function in the right pane and clicking on the dropdown arrow.

Click on the down carat of a function in the right pane to see a list of categories or individual work to include in the the function's calculation.

  • Functions or variables can be removed from the calculation by hovering over them and clicking on the "x" within a circle.
  • Once your formula is complete, click on Validate to check if there are any errors that will prevent the calculation from occurring.

Additional Resources:

