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OneDrive: Getting Started



Access Your Northwood Tech OneDrive From MyCampus

Go to and click on MyCampus to sign in

My Campus Login

  1. Click on the App Launcher
  2. Select OneDrive

Office 365 App Launcher

Upload files or folders to Northwood Tech OneDrive

  • To upload files or folders from your device to OneDrive, click on Add new.

Add new files or folders

  • File Explorer will open. Locate the file you want to upload, and click Open

File Explorer

Create and Edit Files

You can create a new Word document, Excel workbook, PowerPoint presentation or OneNote notebook from within OneDrive, or save from any Microsoft 365 application. Both of these methods are explained below:

  • Click on Add new, and then Word document (the steps for creating and editing an Excel workbook, PowerPoint presentation, or OneNote notebook are the same as the steps below).

Add new microsoft file

  • Please note that the document will be opened in an online application with limited functionality. 
  • To open and edit the document in your desktop application, select Editing from the menu, then Open in Desktop App.

Edit in Desktop App

  • Continue to edit the document in the desktop application. The document will be automatically saved to OneDrive with a default name like "Document 1". 
  • When you choose Save As from the menu, you have several options, including renaming the document or saving a copy of the document to your computer.

Save As Saving Options.png

Create, Delete, or Rename Folders

Create a folder

  1. Click My Files
  2. Select Add new
  3. Select Folder
  4. Type a name for the folder
  5. Select Folder color
  6. Click Create

Add new folder

Rename or Delete a File or Folder

  1. Click on the ellipsis for the file or folder
  2. Select Delete to remove the file
  3. Select Rename to give the file a new name

Delete or rename a file or folder

  • You can delete multiple files at once by placing check marks to the left of the file names and then following the same steps above to delete.

Delete Multiple Files or Folders

**Deleted files and folders will be moved to the Recycle Bin, from where it can be permanently deleted or restored. 

Move or Copy Files Within OneDrive

  1. Click on the ellipsis for the file or folder
  2. Select Move to move the file to a new location with the same name
  3. Select Copy to make a duplicate file with a new name

Move or Copy Files or Folders

Working with Different Versions of Files

Version History allows you to restore older versions of your files

  1. Click on the ellipsis next to the file
  2. Select Version History

 Version History Menu

 Version History List


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