Save to OneDrive on a Virtual Desktop
It is critical to ensure you are signed in to Northwood Tech OneDrive each time you log into the Virtual Desktop. Save your files to OneDrive when using the Virtual Desktop. You will lose your work if you save your files to a Virtual Desktop folder rather than a Northwood Tech OneDrive folder.
- Log into the Virtual Desktop from the MyCampus portal. Follow the instructions in this link. Log into Virtual Desktop
- After logging into the virtual computer, click the grey cloud icon on the virtual computer taskbar.
- Click on Sign in and enter your school email address, i.e.,; click Sign in.
- Enter MyCampus password, and next click Sign in. Next, verify your identity by choosing 1 of 3 options.
- Click on Next four times.
- Select Later, next click Open myOneDrive folder.
- File Explorer will open, showing your OneDrive folders and files
Saving File to Northwood Tech OneDrive
When saving files, choose your Northwood Technical College OneDrive location\Folder or create a new folder using New Folder. Name your file & select your folder and click Save.