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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Course Copy


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource

Course Copy

Course Copy

You can copy an entire course from other courses you teach. If you want to copy content from another instructor's course, course copy will not work. You will want to use the export/import option listed on our website.

  1. First, go to the Course Content page of the course you want to copy to.
  2. Open the menu above the content list.
  3. Select Copy Items.

Image of Copy Items options

  1. The Copy Items panel opens.
  2. Check a course box from the list of your courses to copy all its course content into the course you are in. 
  3. Select Start Copy to begin the copy action.

Image of Copy Items selection

When you copy a course, student-specific data is not included. The attendance option is removed from the copy options. When you copy an entire course's content, the visibility settings are preserved when the content is added to the new course.  

Issues and Exceptions Copying Content

  1. If the system encounters problems with the content copy, an error report appears at the top of the Course Content page. Select View Details to learn more about why the content failed to copy. 
  2. Select an entry on the Copy Details panel to see why the items were not successfully copied.

Picture of steps to find Issues with Copying Content

Additional Resources:

Video Demonstration:

