Go to the Start Menu and click on Software Center
The Panopto Windows Recorder is an application that allows you to quickly record and upload a video to your Panopto account. You can then share to a Blackboard course or distribute it as a link with those you want to view it. The Windows Recorder will be beneficial if you're going to record videos while you are offline and upload them when you have a network connection or if you want to be able to pause and restart while recording.
If you have not installed the recorder, please follow the instructions in the Panopto: Install Windows Recorder handout.
Get Started
With the Panopto Windows recorder open, you can begin getting the Application ready for your recording
A. Create New Recording: Stay in the Create New Recording tab to get your sources ready
B. Folder: Change the destination folder your video will be saved to
C. Name: Choose a name that will make the video easy to find. If you do not rename it, Panopto will add a generic date and time as the file name
D. Audio Volume: Once your audio device is selected, talk in a normal voice to test the volume. The color bar will light up green if your audio is being captured. If you see red or yellow, use the slider to adjust the volume up or down
E. Video: To record a video of a presenter, select a primary video source from the drop-down menu. If you want to record audio only, select None as the video source
F. Audio: Select your preferred, connected microphone from the drop-down menu.
G. Quality: Controls the capture quality of your primary sources
H. Capture Computer Audio: Check this box to capture audio from your PC applications
I. Secondary Sources: In addition to the main screen, choose if you would like to capture a PowerPoint or second screen as well.
J. Add Another Video Source: If you have another video source, it will be found here (e.g., a Ziggy)
K. Enable Screen Capture Preview: Select this option to display what is being captured on your screen.
L. Resolution: Controls the size of the video, frames per second, and size of the resulting video.
M. Record: Press the record button once you are ready to begin recording.
Capture PowerPoint: You may include a PowerPoint presentation by selecting Capture PowerPoint Note: If the PowerPoint contains any motion on the slide, an embedded video in the slide, or someone annotating over the slide, then screen capture must be selected to capture that content. Your slides will not be recorded if presented via the cloud or a mirrored/remote machine. Slides must be opened locally (i.e. on the machine you are presenting). It is recommended to have your Main Screen selected while capturing PowerPoint.
You can open a Presentation directly from the Recorder.
If you want to have the PowerPoint launch as soon as you select Record, select the checkbox. Start presenting when the recording starts. Note: To correctly record PowerPoint presentations, you must have it in full-screen presentation mode after you have launched PowerPoint.
Capture Main Screen and/or Second Screen: Use these options if you want to include everything displayed on your screen or if you want to move between different web pages or software.
Starting, Stopping, and Pausing: Once all your settings and sources are in place, select the Record icon to begin recording. The Record icon will change to the Stop and Pause buttons. When the recording is Paused, Panopto will still record, but that content will be edited out from your final version. It can be restored by using the editor when you are done recording, select Stop. Once you have stopped recording, you will get a Recording Complete Window. You can choose to Delete and Record Again or select Done to begin processing the video
Once you have stopped recording, you will be taken to the Manage Recordings tab in the Recorder. Here you can check the upload progress of your recording
Offline Recordings: recordings that you have not yet selected a folder for and are stored only on your computer. You can select Upload to Server to select a folder and add the video to your library. Select Delete to remove locally stored recordings from your machine.
Currently Uploading Recordings: will show newly recorded videos that are in the process of uploading to Panopto.
Uploaded Recordings will show previous recordings and their assigned folder. If you have access to the video in the library, you can open the video or settings using View, Edit, or Share. You can also continue recording to the same session by selecting Resume. There are also a couple of buttons in this section: