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Panopto: Full Guide: Share video through chat



Share a Panopto video through a chat message

You can share Panopto videos directly through chat messages. This requires all participants of the message to have the Panopto App installed through MS Teams as well and they'll need to have permission to view the video.

For sharing videos with students, you can keep and access videos using the folder created in Panopto for each of your Blackboard courses. For sharing videos with students and other staff, you can always set their access to Your Organization (unlisted).


Share a Panopto Video through MS Teams Chat

share video through chat message

  1. Click on the apps button below the chat bar (you might need to click on the three dots if you don't see the apps option)
  2. Click on the Panopto App


find video in Panopto app

  1. Use the search bar to type the name of the video you'd like to share
  2. Click on the video and send your Teams message


Video in chat

  • You'll see your video pop-up in the chat for participants to click on and view within Teams

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