Share a Panopto video during a meeting
You can share videos in your Panopto library during meetings through screenshare.
- You can also share videos directly through the Panopto App
- You can pull up a video from the Panopto App and share your screen for participants to watch the video (the same way you would share a PowerPoint or website)
- You can get a link for the video and share the link through Chat
- Using the Panopto App or sharing a link while in a meeting saves your internet bandwidth as each participant will watch the video directly from Panopto.
Share a video through the Panopto App during a MS Teams meeting
- From the top of your meeting window, click on the Apps icon and choose Panopto
- Find and select the video you would like to share
- Click Save to load the video preview (participants can't see the video yet but you can have the video ready to go)
- When you're ready to share, click on the small share button at the top of the preview
- After participants have watched the video, click on Stop Sharing to close the video for everyone