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Panopto: Full Guide: Upload a video



Uploading Videos

You can upload videos into Panopto that you recorded through other software or were provided by a vendor.

Get Started

  1. Log into MyCampus Click on the Panopto icon
    a. Click on the Panopto icon
    Image of mycampus
  2. You are brought to your Home screen
    a. Here you can see all the videos shared with you from other people or the college
  3. Click on My Folder from the left menu to navigate to where your videos are saved
    a. You can create multiple sub-folders to help you sort your videos
    Image of panopto dashboard

Once you've opened the folder where you want to save your video

  1. Click on the blue Create button
  2. Select Upload Media
    Image of Uploading Media
  3. A new window will open
  4. Drag and drop any number of videos you would like to upload to Panopto
    a. Once all the videos are processing, you can close your browser
    Image of video processing window


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