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Microsoft Teams: Chat, Meetings, Calls: Panopto App in MS Teams


Microsoft Teams

Configure Panopto App in MS Teams


You can install the Panopto App into your Microsoft Teams Application. This allows you to access Panopto content and tools without having to leave your MS Teams application.

Keep in mind that Panopto controls video access based on permissions granted to individuals, and this continues into MS Teams. Some features available through the app require all participants to have the app installed themselves. If this happens, any participant without the app will be prompted to install the Panopto App.


Install Panopto App in MS Teams

Install Panopto App in Teams

  1. From your MS Teams Application click on the Apps button
  2. In the search bar, type Panopto
  3. Install the Panopto App

*If the Panopto App doesn't appear in your search, try connecting to the VPN and waiting 10-15 minutes or attempt to install the app while on-campus


Authenticate Panopto App

Authenticate App

You will need to Authenticate the Panopto App for your personal meetings and any Teams you'd like to use the app for

  1. Select your Personal Meetings or any Team you'd like to Authenticate
  2. Click Authenticate


Panopto App Settings

Panopto App Settings

  1. You can set a default folder for meeting recordings
  2. You can also set different folders for a variety of meetings based on the name of the meeting (useful for keeping recordings for different Teams or groups and sharing with fellow members or organizing class recordings)



Panopto App Dashboard

From the App Dashboard, you have most of options available through Panopto through MyCampus and Blackboard

  1. Look at Everything
  2. Choose to look a single folder
  3. Record a new video, upload a video saved on your computer, create a playlist, or create a new folder

Video demonstration of setting up the Panopto App in MS Teams and sharing recordings with students in Blackboard (video length: 8.5 minutes)

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