File Lists
Click Files from the menu to access all of your recent files, downloads, or files in your OneDrive storage.
Recent files show every Office 365 document you have opened or edited in recent history
Downloads shows the files you have downloaded from Teams
OneDrive shows you the files in your WITC OneDrive account
Note: you can also access your files by typing /files into the command box
Edit a File in Teams
Edit a file already open in Teams
Download a file
You can download any file you see in Teams.
Add files to share in chat
Whether you are in a one-on-one chat or group chat, you can attach or upload files to share using option A or B from below
A) Click Attach in the compose box to share the file
B) Select the File Tab and click Share
Get a link to a File in Teams
If you've already uploaded a file in Teams, you can share the file by going to the document in the chat or the recent files
Sharing files within a Channel
You can find one or more Channels within each Microsoft Team. The Channel will have it's own Files tab where you can share files and engage in a more focused discussion with your team.
Note: This is not to be confused with the Files button on the left-hand navigation pane. The Files button on the navigation pane gives you access to ALL of your cloud files rather than just the files for that specific channel.