Blackboard will be unavailable January 2nd 2025, from 1:00am until 7:30am for scheduled maintenance by Anthology. During this time, you will be unable to log into Blackboard or access any Blackboard resources.
See an up-to-the-minute list of important course activities including new content, announcements, and grades in the Blackboard app. The activity stream automatically prioritizes items to help you focus on the tasks that you want to take care of right away.
Tap an item in the stream to open it and begin working. Tap the linked course title within the item if you want to go to the course outline instead.
Only system-generated grade columns show in your activity stream. Grade columns that instructors create manually do not appear in your activity stream.
Activity stream items are divided into four categories to make the list easier to scan:
Important: See overdue assignments, tests, and graded discussions. The number of items in this section makes up the count shown by Activity Stream in the list where your name appears. If you dismiss an item in this section, you will not be able to view it again even if you sign out and sign in again. When you dismiss a stream item, the original content is not affected. You just remove the notification from the activity stream.
Upcoming: View your top five events that will happen in the next seven days. Select Show More for a complete list. This section does not appear if no upcoming events are available.
Today: See everything happening and due in the next 24 hours, including institution-wide announcements about emergency notifications and updates. If your instructors added announcements, they appear here or in the Recent section.
Recent: If you have not checked in for a bit, view stream items that were previously in the Today section over the last seven days.
In the app's activity stream, you can dismiss items in the Important section after you read them.
In the Blackboard app, some activity stream items are affected by your Blackboard Learn dashboard notification settings. A notification setting may control whether the item appears in the app's activity stream.
You can adjust your Activity Stream’s notification settings.
Additional Resources: