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Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource: Blackboard Minimum Requirements


Blackboard Ultra: Faculty Resource

Instructional Designers

Lori Weigel
Instructional Designer
Email Lori

Blackboard Minimum Content Requirements


chevron  Announcements

This area will be used to welcome students at the start of the semester and to provide updates to the class, such as due dates and course changes. In online and in-person courses, posting Announcements allows for greater student engagement within Blackboard.

chevron  Course Content

This area will include learning modules either by topic or due date. Quizzes, tests, and all other assignments will be built within the Course Assignments section. Due dates for quizzes, tests, and assignments will be included in this area.

Course Information This area will include:

  1. Course Overview - Course objectives and goals including course outcome summary.
  2. Syllabus- Course syllabus and course schedule will be included in this area. The syllabus link can be copied from WIDS once a syllabus has been submitted to WIDS.. Syllabus Checklist
  3. Computer Requirements- Include a link for technology requirements from the website. Technology Recommendations | Northwood Tech.
  4. Course Expectations - Time commitment, schedule (calendar, assignment schedule, etc.), technology used (Teams, Collaborate, Panopto, etc.)
  5. Instructor Information - email, phone, preferred method of communication, and office hours.

 chevron  Discussion Board

The Discussion Board or other preferred communication methods, such as Messenger or Padlet, will be used for content-specific questions or to ask questions of the instructor or other students. These tools assist in replicating in-class discussions in courses and should be used weekly in online courses. For in-person classes, these tools provide students a forum in which to ask faculty and other students questions on content-specific areas and share knowledge. While weekly online interaction is not necessary for in-person classes, using a student engagement and communication forum is highly encouraged.

chevron  Grades

Create desired calculated grading columns. Grades should be updated on a regular basis and available to students. An overall grade column should be created. A total grade column is optional.


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